↑點圖放大:車長約7.5cm,分件較deluxe class版本少,好處是車形接縫少。
↑車頭拉出來兩根尖尖的東西是機器人的腳跟↓ ↓從車底再看一次變形過程。圖片下方是車頭。
↑車底有三顆螺絲,下面兩顆螺絲之間的零件還清楚印著 Ⓒ2008 TOMY 與 Ⓒ2008 HASBRO孩之寶字樣,但變成人形後都會隱藏起來,相當精巧。
↑罕見設計,用車尾而非車頭作為機器人的身體。車尾往底盤方向扳動後,車門形成的雙手會連帶往後伸展。脖子兩側零件,有點像Deluxe Class Bumblebee跟Barricade的車窗變成小翅膀的作用。
在WIKI關於Sideswipe的資料( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sideswipe ):
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Sideswipe appears in the 2009 film, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. He transforms into a Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Concept, and has two wheeled feet like Bonecrusher in the first film. He is armed with two retractable Cybertanium arm blades in robot mode along with a double barreled Machine Gun on each of his wrists. His Hasbro battle bio states that he is 15 ft. tall and that he's a master in almost every form of martial arts on Cybertron. Sideswipe first appeared in Transformers: Alliance #4 as one of the Autobots who responded to Optimus Prime's call to Earth. He joined with Optimus' team as part of NEST. Sideswipe as a car Sideswipe joins late in the chase in Shanghai, China chasing after the Decepticon Sideways. As Sideswipe pursues Sideways, Sideswipe somersaults over him then launching one of his arm blades into the front of Sideways' vehicle mode. As he lands, Sideswipe reattaches the blade (which is still embedded in Sideways) and forces it lengthwise down Sideways' body, cutting him in half, killing him instantly. He is also seen in the fight against the Decepticons after Optimus Prime is killed by Megatron as Bumblebee and the twins escape with Sam. Sideswipe makes his way to Egypt with the other Autobots alongside Ratchet, Ironhide, Bumblebee, and the body of Optimus Prime to engage the incoming Decepticons, before being brushed aside by Fallen when he teleports in front of them. Throughout the rest of the film, he is seen firing at incoming Decepticons along with the humans and other Autobots.